Historical Geology
The Devonian Period
The Carboniferous Period
The Permian Period
¬Perspective: The
Canning Basin, Australia—
A Devonian Great Barrier Reef
Reef Development in Western Canada
Black Shales
The Late Kaskaskia—A Return to Extensive Carbonate Deposition
What Are Cyclothems, and Why Are They Important?
Cratonic Uplift—The Ancestral Rockies
The Middle Absaroka—More Evaporite Deposits and Reefs
Cordilleran Mobile Belt
Ouachita Mobile Belt
Appalachian Mobile Belt
The following content objectives are presented in Chapter 11:
¬ Movement of the six major continents during the Paleozoic Era resulted in the formation of the supercontinent Pangaea at the end of the Paleozoic.
¬ In addition to the large-scale plate interactions during the Paleozoic, microplate and terrane activity also played an important role in forming Pangaea.
¬ Most of the Kaskaskia Sequence is dominated by carbonates and associated evaporites.
¬ Transgressions and regressions over the low-lying craton during the Absoraka Sequence resulted in cyclothems and the formation of coals.
¬ During the Late Paleozoic Era, mountain-building activity took place in the Appalachian, Oauchita, and Cordilleran mobile belts.
¬ The Caledonian, Acadian, Hercynian, and Alleghenian orogenies were all part of the global tectonic activity resulting from the assembly of Pangaea.
¬ Late Paleozoic-aged rocks contain a variety of mineral resources, including petroleum, coal, evaporites, and various metallic deposits.
To exhibit
mastery of this chapter, students should be able to demonstrate comprehension
of the following:
¬ the global geography and climate for the Late
¬ the Kaskaskia sequence in North America
¬ reef development in the Late Paleozoic
¬ the location and possible genesis of black shales
¬ the Absaroka sequence in North America
¬ the formation, location, and importance of
cyclothems in the geologic record
¬ the formation of the Ancestral Rockies
¬ the history of the Late Paleozoic mobile belts
and their relationship to global geography and the assembly of Pangaea
¬ the types and occurrences of Late Paleozoic
mineral deposits, particularly coal
1. During the Late Paleozoic, Baltica and Laurentia
collided, forming Laurasia. Siberia and Kazakhstania collided and finally were
sutured to Laurasia. Gondwana moved over the South Pole and experienced several
glacial-interglacial periods, resulting in global sea level changes and
transgressions and regressions along the low-lying craton margins.
Figure 11.1 Paleozoic
Figure 11.2 Paleozoic
2. Laurasia and Gondwana underwent a series of
collisions beginning in the Carboniferous. During the Permian, the formation of
Pangaea was completed. Surrounding
the supercontinent was a global ocean, Panthalassa.
3. The Late Paleozoic history of the North American
craton can be deciphered from the rocks of the Kaskaskia and Absaroka
Figure 11.3 Basal
Rocks of the Kaskaskia Sequence
4. The basal beds of the Kaskaskia sequence that
were deposited on the exposed Tippecanoe surface consisted either of sandstones
derived from the eroding Taconic Highlands, or of carbonate rocks.
5. Most of the Kaskaskia sequence is dominated by
carbonates and associated evaporites. The Devonian Period was a time of major
reef building in western Canada, southern England, Belgium, Australia, and
Figure 11.4 Devonian
Paleogeography of North America
Figure 11.5 Devonian
Reef Complex of Western Canada
6. Widespread black shales were deposited over large
areas of the craton during the Late Devonian and Early Mississippian.
Figure 11.6 Upper
Devonian-Lower Mississippian Black Shales
7. The Mississippian Period was dominated for the most
part by carbonate deposition.
Figure 11.7 Mississippian
Paleogeography of North America
8. Transgressions and regressions, probably caused
by sea level changes over the low-lying craton from the advancing and
retreating Gondwanan ice sheets, resulted in cyclothems and the formation of
coals during the Pennsylvanian Period.
Figure 11.8 Pennsylvanian
Paleogeography of North America
Figure 11.9 Cyclothems
Enrichment Topic 1. Fires in
the Carboniferous
Researchers Scott and Glasspool discovered a connection between the level of oxygen in the atmosphere and the number of fires in the geologic record. Oxygen levels peaked in the atmosphere 275 million years ago at 30%, a much higher value than the 21% oxygen recorded today. By analyzing charcoal residue, the researchers discovered that fires were rare for the first 50 million years of terrestrial plant evolution, but peaked with increased evolution of plant life. From the Late Devonian onward, there was a rapid increase in the number of fires. During the times of high oxygen content, even damp vegetation would have ignited. ÒMississippian Burning,Ó Geoscientist 2006 v.16 n.9 p.8-9.
Topic 2. Ancient Trees of the Coal Mines
In 2007, a US-UK team of researchers discovered
spectacular fossil forests within the coals mines of Illinois. The ceilings of the coal mines, covering
a large area, contain the largest fossil forests found anywhere in the
world. The forests, about 300
million years old, grew apart in a few million years. Their fossil remains are
now stacked, one on top of the other. Repeated flooding and subsidence buried
the forests, and preserved them. When mining removes the coal, or the compacted
soils of the forests, the fossilized vegetation is exposed. On the ceiling of the mine tunnels are
upright tree stumps, with their roots coming down. Trees with 30-meter trunks
have been preserved. Researchers predict that the study of these ancient coal
forests may provide insight into how modern rainforests may react with a
warming climate. J. Amos, ÒAncient Trees Recorded in Mines,Ó BBC News,
September 8, 2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7604721.stm
9. Cratonic mountain building, specifically the
Ancestral Rockies, occurred during the Pennsylvanian Period, and resulted in
thick non-marine detrital rocks and evaporites being deposited in the
intervening basins.
Figure 11.10 The
Ancestral Rockies
10. By the Early Permian, the Absaroka Sea occupied a
narrow zone of the south-central craton. Here, several large reefs and
associated evaporites developed. By the end of the Permian Period, this epeiric
sea had retreated from the craton.
Figure 11.11 Permian
Paleogeography of North America
Figure 11.12 West Texas
Permian Basins and Surrounding Reefs
Figure 11.13 Middle
Permian Capitan Limestone Reef Environment
Figure 11.14 Guadalupe
Mountains, Texas
Enrichment Topic 3. Carlsbad
Caverns National Park
The limestone mountain range of the Guadalupe Mountains
preserves the Permian-aged reef that was built of sponges and algae. By the end of the Permian, the Capitan
Reef was buried under thousands of feet of sediments. However, subsequent
erosion and uplift has exposed the reef. Below the surface, one of the most
spectacular cave systems in the world resides within this Paleozoic
limestone. Unlike some caves, which
are created through the dissolution of the limestone by carbonic acid (H2CO3)
in surface waters, there is now evidence that this cave system formed in a very
different way—through the cave dissolution with sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
The sulfuric acid is linked to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from oil
deposits in the area, in which the acid is produced through microbial
action. The National Park Service
website has additional details at http://www.nps.gov/cave/naturescience/geologicformations.htm
11. The Cordilleran mobile belt was the site of the
Antler orogeny, a minor Devonian orogeny during which deep water sediments were
thrust eastward over shallow water sediments.
Figure 11.15 Antler
12. During the Pennsylvanian and Early Permian,
mountain building occurred in the Ouachita mobile belt. This tectonic activity
was partly responsible for the cratonic uplift that took place in the southwestern
part of North America.
Figure 11.16 Ouachita
Mobile Belt
13. The Caledonian, Acadian, Hercynian, and
Alleghenian orogenies were all part of the global tectonic activity that
assembled Pangaea.
Figure 11.17 Formation
of Laurasia
Topic 4. Florence Bascom and Geological Investigation of the Appalachians
The first professional US woman geologist,
Florence Bascom, was one of the 20th century geologists who tried to
unravel the complex history of the Appalachian Mountains. BascomÕs original interpretation of the
Wissahickon mica schist was challenged by two of her students, who were also
engaged in field work in the area for the United States Geological Survey. BascomÕs students, Anna Jonas Stose and
Eleanora Bliss, proposed a Precambrian Age for the schist and the presence of a
thrust fault. However, StoseÕs and
BlissÕ analysis was later challenged, leaving BascomÕs original interpretation
as the one that prevailed. Clary & Wandersee, ÒGreat expectations:
Florence Bascom (1842 –1945) and the Education of the First Generation of
US Women Geologists,Ó The Role of Women
in the History of Geology, 2007 (C. Burek & B. Higgs, editors).
14. During the Paleozoic Era, numerous terranes, such
as Avalonia, existed and played an important role in the formation of Pangaea.
15. Late Paleozoic-aged rocks contain a variety of
mineral resources including petroleum, coal, evaporites, silica sand, lead,
zinc, and other metallic deposits.
Figure 11.18 Distribution
of Coal Deposits in the United States
Appalachian Orogenic Activity
1. Discuss with students how geologists working in
the Appalachians have managed to unravel such a complicated geologic story. Be
sure to emphasize many of the problems, especially the difficulty of working in
an old mountainous terrain that is so heavily vegetated. There are still unsolved problems
associated with the tectonic history of this region.
2. Before the concept of
accreted terranes became so important to the tectonic development of an area,
geologists did not have a good theoretical foundation to explain the diverse
geology of the Appalachians. John McPhee's In
Suspect Terrane offers an interesting account of the development of
geologic thought about the Appalachian Mountain chain. It was in the Appalachian Mountains that
accretionary tectonics was first formulated. The Appalachian Mountains were
also the site for the controversy between thick-skinned versus thin-skinned
3. Help students to recognize the Òbig pictureÓ in plate tectonics
during the Paleozoic Era. Although the Ancestral Rockies and western margin of
North America experienced tectonic activity, the main theme of plate tectonics
during the Paleozoic was the assemblage of the supercontinent, Pangaea. The different orogenies can be studied
within this context. You may want
to suggest to your students that they remember the eastern-coast domination of
US orogenic activity in the Paleozoic Era, and to note whether or not this pattern
continues into the Mesozoic Era.
Geologic Time and Periods of the Paleozoic
1. Have students try to list the types of data that
geologists might collect to piece together ancient mountain ranges that are now
separated by a vast oceanic region. How confident can geologists be that the
Appalachian, Caledonian, Alleghenian and Hercynian orogens were all closely
related in time and space? You may want to review some of the rock evidence
used by geologists in the early hypotheses of continental drift.
2. Knowing what events occurred with the
amalgamation of Pangaea during the Paleozoic, have students speculate on what
might happen when the Pacific Ocean closes in the future. What types of new
mountain ranges might form? What would happen to old orogenic zones?
Alternatively, how would the South American-South Atlantic picture change and evolve
if the mid-Atlantic Ridge was to cease operation, but the East Pacific Rise
remained active?
3. Fossil fuels are just an indirect (and dirty) way of using solar energy. Can the students think of better (and cleaner ways)?
4. Did clean-burning anthracite coal play an important part in naval history? For example, would a ship powered through the burning of bituminous coal be more visible on the horizon than a ship powered through the burning of anthracite coal? Students can investigate whether anthracite coal held any advantages for a surreptitious arrival! Investigation of the history of the British Navy would be a great starting point.
Absaroka sequence |
Caledonian orogeny |
Kaskaskia sequence |
Acadian orogeny |
Catskill Delta |
Laurasia |
Alleghenian orogeny |
cyclothem |
Ouachita orogeny |
Ancestral Rockies |
Hercynian orogeny |
Panthalassa Ocean |
Antler orogeny |
1. Mountain
Building, Earth Revealed #7, Annenberg/CPB
2. Living with Earth: Part II, Earth Revealed #26, Annenberg/CPB
3. A Geology Fieldtrip through the Appalachians of Pennsylvania, Educational Images, Ltd.
4. The Day the Earth Nearly Died, Discovery Channel
5. The Earth Has a History, Geological Society of America
6. Sequence Stratigraphy: The Book Cliffs of Utah, Open University
1. A
Geology Fieldtrip through the Appalachians of Pennsylvania, slide set,
Educational Images, Ltd.
2. Satellite
Imagery – Earth from Space, slide set, Educational Images, Ltd.
3. Interpretation
of Roadside Geology, slide set, Educational Images, Ltd.
1. b |
5. d |
9. a |
2. d |
6. a |
10. b |
3. e |
7. c |
11. c |
4. b |
8. c |
12. e |
13. The movement of Gondwana over the South Pole
allowed for the formation of continental ice sheets and Ice Age side effects,
including fluctuating sea levels with increased glaciation and subsequent
thawing. When the continents merged
into the supercontinent Pangaea, waters of the global ocean circulated freely,
and probably resulted in more equable water temperatures. However, the large
landmass had climatic consequences, with an arid and semiarid interior. The
mountain ranges created rain shadows that blocked much of the moist easterly
winds, producing very dry conditions.
14. This orogenic event was caused by the collision
of Laurasia and Gondwana. The tectonic activity that uplifted the Ouachita
mobile belt was very complex and involved not only the collision of Laurasia
and Gondwana but also several microplates and terranes between the continents.
The compressive forces impinging on the Ouachita mobile belt affected the
craton by broadly uplifting the southwestern part of North America.
15. Milankovitch noted that, although the total heat
received by Earth varies little, changes in EarthÕs orbit and axial tilt and
the precession of the equinoxes could change the amount of solar heat received
at a particular latitude. These changes could trigger glacial and interglacial
events. The transgressions and regressions of the Paleozoic could have been partially
caused by these variations, called Milankovitch cycles. However, the movement
of large landmasses over polar regions is also correlated with glacial and
interglacial cycles as well.
16. Assembly of Pangaea promoted an arid continental
interior for these reasons: a large continent has interior regions very far
from moisture-bearing marine air masses and peripheral orogenic belts created
rain shadow deserts within the interior. Panthalassa probably had effective
heat transport from warm equatorial regions to high latitudes since it was an enormous
unrestricted water mass; this would promote milder global climates than we have
17. The Cordilleran mobile belt was caused by the
collision of an island arc with the North American craton. The Ouachita mobile
belt rose as Gondwana collided with Laurasia, which formed a large mountain
range. The compressive forces causing the Ouachitas were much greater. Of the
three, the Appalachian mobile belt was subject to the longest lived and
greatest compressive forces as the Iapetus Ocean closed and a
continent-continent convergence took place. While continental shelf sediments
were uplifted into the Cordilleran and Ouachita mountains, deep water sediments
made it up into the Appalachians.
18. In the Cambrian, the Iapetus was fairly wide and
separated Laurentia from Siberia. In the Ordovician, Baltica approached from
the southeast, narrowing the Iapetus. Baltica collided with Laurentia in the Silurian
to form the larger continent of Laurasia, and in doing so, closed the northern
Iapetus. During the Devonian, the southern Iapetus Ocean narrowed between
Laurasia and Gondwana. The final
phase of collision between Gondwana and Laurasia closed the southern Iapetus;
Pangaea and the universal ocean, Panthalassa, were present in the Permian.
19. All involve convergent plate boundaries
tectonics—subduction and continental collision—in which an ocean
closes as continental masses come together.
20. They are very similar. In both cases
intracratonic basins collect evaporites inside of fringing reefs. Both
sequences were deposited in very low latitudes.
3. As we noted earlier, some economic resources are intricately related to plate
boundaries. Metallic mineral resources are often found in Paleozoic rocks that were deformed from mountain building. Knowing where Paleozoic collisions occurred during the formation of Pangaea would help immensely in helping to locate these minerals. Also, evaporite deposits would be found in areas with narrowing basins that were separated from seas. This occurred as continental masses moved toward each other during the assemblage of Pangaea.
4. The Devonian red rock is sandstone, and since it is located in Scotland, it is
presumably taken from the Old Red Sandstone. The structure appears to be bedding from fluvial deposition. Students may hypothesize that the rock shows deposition from lateral accretion of point bars in channel deposits, or they may possibly hypothesize that the bedding represents the foreset beds of a prograding delta.
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